Fully Searchable Now!

I'd like to begin this announcement post with a little bit of backstory behind what I've accomplished today.

When I first set out to write this book, I was about 200 pages into the process before first trying to turn it into a PDF. It was at that point that I learned I had chosen one of the very small handful's of fonts that are 100% incompatible with the PDF format. 

Iron Eagle is written in a font  which I found very fitting because it is allegedly based on what government signs in Germany use. While a lovely choice for the book, it ended up creating an absolute nightmare for me because it is something called a "Variable Type" font. In order to make it work at all, I had to outline every letter of the entire book to preserve its proper appearance.

It solved my problem, but created another surprising issue: You couldn't search my book at all now! This is because outlining text turns it into an image, which PDF programs cannot detect. After much headbashing, I am happy to present you all with this update:

You can now search for words and phrases quite easily in my book, as I found a work-around!

Get Iron Eagle: Strikeforce

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